Use our proven system at the lowest cost
DIY FORTNIGHTLY - $400 + GST per month
DIY WEEKLY - $700 + GST per month
How do I know if i should go with the "Do It Yourself" or the "Done For You Packages"?
“Do it yourself” would be a great fit if you have basic video editing skills or have a graphic designer/video editor available in your office.
“Done for you” enables you to get maximum leverage for your time, all you need to do is spend 15 minutes per week or fortnight recording a script and the rest is done by us.
If I go with DIY what do you suggest to get the best out of the NEW TV system?
You will receive regular bullet point story scripts relating stories about your area, our recommendation is that you use a smart phone(eg iphone with a lapel mic) to record each story. Depending on your editing skills you may decide to add in a final slide with your contact details. Once you have a complete video we suggest posting it on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok as well as on your website(if viable). Promoting it on Facebook to residents in the immediate target area.
What is a bullet point script?
It’s a set of reasonably short bullet points that you can easily remember to relate face to camera when recording, so you can record one at a time whilst leaving the camera running and the video can be cut up to be one complete story. Typically we aim for 10 bullet points per script which will create a video of approximately 1 minute in length once edited.