NOTE: The New TV delivers a systemised process to help YOU increase market share in your target area by making YOU the local champion.
Great stories on video come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Our team researches – storyboards – develops scripts – redrafts the scripts – adds media to the vidoes – edits the videos – captions the videos -polishes the videos.
Our system works, clients using it grow market share significantly and generate a lot more listings.
So what makes a great local story? Well rather than bore you with a long winded explanation about our 28 step checklist, here's an example:
We did everything for Charles apart from recording the footage.

Does your area need a local real estate agent champion.
A Local Digital Mayor?
…or have you found the one suburb in Australia where the residents much prefer their letterboxes being stuffed with bin fodder?
Email David: david@thenewtv.com.au to discuss your target area.